If you're using Setapp or Setapp for Teams as a business registered in the European Union or if an EU-based company pays for your Setapp subscription, you can specify the VAT number to avoid double tax payments.
Note: The steps for adding a VAT code differ before and after making your first subscription payment. However, the instructions for Setapp and Setapp for Teams are almost identical and are fully covered in this article.
You might also find it helpful to revise how to enter a VAT ID correctly or read Taxes to pay along with your Setapp subscription for more tax-related details.
Add VAT ID before your first subscription payment
When providing payment information in Setapp for the first time, follow these steps:
- Go to the Subscription page of your online account and click "Add payment method."
With Setapp for Teams, open the "Account overview" page, then click "Add payment details." - Choose your country, specify the ZIP code, and click Continue.
- Click Add VAT Number (top of the dialog).
To provide a VAT ID, you can contact the payment provider or our Support Team. In your conversation, mention the email associated with your Setapp account. Then, specify your VAT ID and request to update it to your Setapp payment details.
4. Fill in the "VAT number" field and your company info, then proceed with adding your credit card or PayPal details.
Add or update VAT ID after making subscription payments
If you haven't provided your VAT info while adding payment details, follow these simple steps:
- Open the Subscription page of your account and click "Update payment details."
Setapp for Teams subscribers, go to "Account overview," and click "Update payment details." - Choose your country, specify the ZIP code, and click Next.
- Click Add VAT Number (top of the dialog).
Don't forget to verify that your company name and address are also correct.
If you can't find the "Add VAT Number" button, follow these steps to add a VAT ID:
1. Go to the Receipts page in your online account.
2. Select the latest invoice and click Download. The invoice opens in your browser.
3. Click "Add address & VAT Number."
4. Select "This is a business purchase" at the top of the dialog. Then, specify your VAT details and click Save.
Once saved, the payment provider is supposed to send a VAT refund in a couple of days. The new VAT details are automatically used for all future charges.
Note: After you add the VAT info using an online invoice, changing the VAT ID is no longer available; you can update only the company address.
To provide a new VAT ID, please contact the payment provider at paddle.net/contact. In your conversation, mention the email associated with your Setapp account. Then, specify your new VAT ID and request updating it in your Setapp payment details.
You can also contact our Support Team if you find that more convenient.
How to enter your VAT ID
Write your VAT ID without spaces like this: XX123456789
. Don't separate the country code and the ID.
The "VAT number" field will validate the numbers issued by the European Union countries to be used for intra-community transactions only. You can verify the validity of your VAT ID on the European Commission's VIES website.
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